Software toolkit for modeling, simulation, and control of soft robots

in Advanced Robotics

Award Best Paper Award
Coevoet, Eulalie and Morales-Bieze, Thor and Largilliere, Frederick and Zhang, Zhongkai and Thieffry, Maxime and Sanz-Lopez, Mario and Carrez, Bruno and Marchal, Damien and Goury, Olivier and Dequidt, Jeremie and Duriez, Christian
  author = {Coevoet, Eulalie and Morales-Bieze, Thor and Largilliere, Frederick and Zhang, Zhongkai and Thieffry, Maxime and Sanz-Lopez, Mario and Carrez, Bruno and Marchal, Damien and Goury, Olivier and Dequidt, Jeremie and Duriez, Christian},
  title = {Software toolkit for modeling, simulation, and control of soft robots},
  journal = {Advanced Robotics},
  volume = {31},
  number = {22},
  pages = {1208-1224},
  year = {2017},
  publisher = {Taylor & Francis},
  doi = {10.1080/01691864.2017.1395362},
  url = {},
  keywords = {own, reviewed},
  note = {Best Paper Award},
  abbr = {Adv. Robotics},
  rank_if = {1.433},
  rank_core = {B},
  rank_sjr = {Q2}