EVE: Computer Based Endovascular Training System for Neuroradiolgy

in 45th Annual Meeting & NER Foundation Symposium

Rabinov, James and Cotin, Stephane and Allard, Jeremie and Dequidt, Jeremie and Lenoir, Julien and Luboz, Vincent and Neumann, Paul and Wu, Xunlei and Dawson, Steve
  author = {Rabinov, James and Cotin, Stephane and Allard, Jeremie and Dequidt, Jeremie and Lenoir, Julien and Luboz, Vincent and Neumann, Paul and Wu, Xunlei and Dawson, Steve},
  title = {EVE: Computer Based Endovascular Training System for Neuroradiolgy},
  booktitle = {45th Annual Meeting {\&} NER Foundation Symposium},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {147--150},
  keywords = {own, medical reviewed},
  abbr = {NER}